ID | Anno | Referenza | |
254 | 2024 | Berlino, M., Mangano, M. C., Di Bona, G., Lucchese, M., Terzo, S. M. C., De Vittor, C.,D'Alessandro, M., Esposito, V., Gambi, M.C., Del Negro, P. & Sarà, G. (2024). Functional diversity and metabolic response in benthic communities along an ocean acidification gradient. Marine Environmental Research, 106520. | DOWNLOAD |
247 | 2024 | Soru, S., Berlino, M., Sarà, G., Mangano, M. C., De Vittor, C., & Pusceddu, A. (2024). Effects of acidification on the biogeochemistry of unvegetated and seagrass marine sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199, 115983. | DOWNLOAD |
235 | 2023 | Mangano M.C., Corbari L., Giacoletti A., Berlino M., Kay S., Ciraolo G. & Sarà G. 2023. Planning precision aquaculture activities in a changing and crowded sea. Aquaculture, 577, 739881. | DOWNLOAD |
233 | 2023 | Marrone A., Mangano M.C., Deidun A., Berlino M. & Sarà G. 2023. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation of a Mediterranean Marine Reef on the Associated Fish Community: Insights from Biological Traits Analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(10), 1957. | DOWNLOAD |
230 | 2023 | Berlino M., Sarà G. & Mangano M.C. 2023. Functional Trait-Based Evidence of Microplastic Effects on Aquatic Species. Biology, 12(6), 811. | DOWNLOAD |
228 | 2023 | Pansini A., Beca-Carretero P., Berlino M., Sarà G., Stengel D.B., Stipcich P. & Ceccherelli G. 2023. Field development of Posidonia oceanica seedlings changes under predicted acidification conditions. Marine Environmental Research, 186, 105946. | DOWNLOAD |
215 | 2022 | Pansini A., Bosch-Belmar M., Berlino M., Sarà G., Ceccherelli G. 2022. Collating evidence on the restoration efforts of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: current knowledge and gaps. Science of the Total Environment, 851: 158320. | DOWNLOAD |
211 | 2022 | Mirto S., Montalto V., Mangano M.C.M., Ape F., Berlino M., La Marca C., Lucchese M., Maricchiolo G., Martinez M., Rinaldi A., Terzo S.M.C., Celic I., Galli P., Sarà G. 2022. The stakeholder's perception of socio-economic impacts generated by COVID-19 pandemic within the Italian aquaculture systems. Aquaculture, 553: 738127. | DOWNLOAD |
202 | 2022 | Mangano M.C., Berlino M., Corbari L., Milisenda G., Lucchese M., Terzo S., Bosch-Belmar M., Azaza M.S., Babarro J.M.F., Bakiu R., Broitman B.R., Buschmann A.H., Christofoletti R., Dong Y., Glamuzina B., Luthman O., Makridis P., Nogueira A.J.A., Palomo M.G., Dineshram R., Sanchez-Jerez P., Sevgili H., Troell M., AbouelFadl K.Y., Azra M.N., Britz P., Carrington E., Celić I., Choi F., Qin C., Dionísio M.A., Dobroslavić T., Galli P., Giannetto D., Grabowski J.H., Helmuth B., Lebata-Ramos M.J.H., Lim P.T., Liu Y., Llorens S.M., Mirto S., Pećarević M., Pita C., Ragg N., Ravagnan E., Saidi D., Schultz K., Shaltout M., Tan S.H., Thiyagarajan V., Sarà G. 2022. The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale. Environmental Science and Policy, 127: 98-110. | DOWNLOAD |
201 | 2022 | Sarà G., Mangano M.C., Berlino M., Corbari L., Lucchese M., Milisenda G., Terzo S., Azaza M.S., Babarro J.M.F., Bakiu R., Broitman B.R., Buschmann A.H., Christofoletti R., Deidun A., Dong Y., Galdies J., Glamuzina B., Luthman O., Makridis P., Nogueira A.J.A., Palomo M.G., Dineshram R., Rilov G., Sanchez-Jerez P., Sevgili H., Troell M., AbouelFadl K.Y., Azra M.N., Britz P., Brugere C., Carrington E., Celić I., Choi F., Qin C., Dobroslavić T., Galli P., Giannetto D., Grabowski J., Lebata-Ramos M.J.H., Lim P.T., Liu Y., Llorens S.M., Maricchiolo G., Mirto S., Pećarević M., Ragg N., Ravagnan E., Saidi D., Schultz K., Shaltout M., Solidoro C., Tan S.H., Thiyagarajan V., Helmuth B. 2022. The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 30(1): 123-135. | DOWNLOAD |
190 | 2021 | Berlino M., Mangano M.C., De Vittor C., Sarà G. 2021. Effects of microplastics on the functional traits of aquatic benthic organisms: A global-scale meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 285: 117174. | DOWNLOAD |
186 | 2021 | Salerno M., Berlino M., Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2021. Microplastics and the functional traits of fishes: A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 27(12): 2645-2655. | DOWNLOAD |
151 | 2018 | Watson, G. S., Gregory, E. A., Johnstone, C., Berlino, M., Green, D. W., Peterson, N. R., Schoeman, D. S., & Watson, J. A. (2018). Like night and day: Reversals of thermal gradients across ghost crab burrows and their implications for thermal ecology. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 203, 127-136. | DOWNLOAD |