Gianluca Sarà


L’azione dell’uomo sull’ambiente è complessa e si manifesta con l’alterazione della struttura e del funzionamento degli ecosistemi con modificazioni che riguardano i tassi di sintesi e produzione delle strutture biologiche, le caratteristiche delle composizioni chimiche, i flussi di energia e materia, i processi di popolazione e comunità e quindi, in ultima analisi, la biodiversità. La maggior parte delle caratteristiche ecosistemiche poggiano su teorie generali che forniscono esplicite predizioni riguardo i processi di funzionamento ecosistemici. Tuttavia la maggior parte delle attuali teorie ecosistemiche riescono a spiegare variazioni e cambiamenti dovuti ai driver naturali, mentre è spesso difficile predire quella quota di variabilità imprevista dovuta all’azione dell’uomo.

Attuale posizione lavorativa

Gianluca Sarà (Ph. D., 1994)

Professore Ordinario di ECOLOGIA (BIO/07)

Afferenza giuridica per la ricerca:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM), Università di Palermo
Viale delle Scienze, Ed.16 – 90128 Palermo
Tel. (GSara) +39 091 23862853
Tel. (Lab) +39 091 23862872
Fax +39 091 23860844

Laboratorio di Ecologia (EEB)
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM)
Viale delle Scienze, Ed.16 – 90128 Palermo

Indirizzi email:

Titoli di studio

  • Luglio 1994: Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Ambientali (Ambiente Marino e Risorse), Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia Marina dell’Università di Messina, Italia;
  • Novembre 1988: Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Istituto di Zoologia dell’Università di Palermo, Italia.

Corsi e addestramenti

  • Settembre 2000: Corso Avanzato di Statistica: “Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments: an Advanced Course” tenuto in Lingua Inglese al Dipartimento di Zoologia dell’Università di Lecce (Italia) dal Prof. A. J. Underwood (University of Sidney, Australia) e dalla Dr. Gee Chapman (University of Sidney, Australia);
  • Maggio – Giugno 1999: Corso di Statistica: “Design and analysis of Biological Experiments” tenuto in Lingua Inglese al Dipartimento di Zoologia dell’Università di Lecce (Italia) dal Prof. A. J. Underwood (University of Sidney, Australia) e dalla Dr. Gee Chapman (University of Sidney, Australia);
  • Maggio 1994: Corso per il conseguimento del brevetto di aiuto istruttore subacqueo PADI DIVE MASTER;
  • Settembre 1989: Corso di Rilevamento di Inquinamento Marino svoltosi ad Ustica (PA) nell’ambito della 31ma Rassegna delle attività subacquee;
  • Luglio – Novembre 1989: Corso di Formazione Professionale per Operatore Subacqueo di Controllo Ambientale organizzato dalla Lega Navale Italiana (Sezione di Palermo), approvato dalla Regione Siciliana e finanziato dal Fondo Sociale Europeo e dal Fondo di Rotazione Nazionale;
  • Maggio 1989: Corso di Perfezionamento ed Aggiornamento su “Metodi Biologici pratici per il mappaggio di qualità dei corsi d’acqua: analisi delle comunità di macroinvertebrati – Metodo E. B. I.” tenuto dal Prof. P. F. Ghetti, presso la Libera Università degli Studi di Trapani ed organizzato dalla Provincia Regionale di Trapani in collaborazione con il C.I.S.B.A. (Centro Italiano Studi di Biologia Ambientale), con il CESAT (Centro Studi Ambiente e Territorio, PA) e con la Stazione Sperimentale Agraria Forestale di S. Michele a/A. (TN).

Borse di studio e contratti

  • Novembre 2001 – Marzo 2002: Contratto in regime di conto terzi affidato dal Centro interdipartimentale di Ricerche sull’Interazione Tecnologia-Ambiente (CIRITA – Università di Palermo) per elaborare i dati e produrre il report finale del programma triennale di ricerca effettuato in collaborazione con il CEOM S. C. p. A. (Centro Oceanologico Mediterraneo, Gruppo ENI; (Via del Fante 40, 90146 Palermo – Tel. 091-6709511) dal titolo: “Studio di Impatto Ambientale nei siti operativi di Castellammare del Golfo, Sciacca e Capo d’Orlando”;
  • Novembre 1999 – Ottobre 2000: Incarico di supervisor Esterno di 3 tutor d’impresa per il “Progetto di Ricerca e Formazione per Tutor di Impresa” nell’ambito del Progetto CEOM “Sviluppo e Sperimentazione di Tecniche e Tecnologie di Maricoltura off-shore” per conto del Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Sicilia in collaborazione con SINTESI (Sinergie Tecnologiche in Sicilia) ed il Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica (MURST). (Incarico svolto previa autorizzazione della propria Amministrazione – Università degli Studi di Palermo);
  • Dicembre 1993: Contratto Triennale di Ricerca in regime di Prestazione Professionale affidato dal Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia Marina dell’Università di Messina per coordinare l’attività di Ricerca ed Elaborazione Dati nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca finalizzata “Maricoltura integrata nel Golfo di Castellammare” finanziato dal Ministero della Marina Mercantile;
  • Ottobre 1991: Idoneità al Concorso per una Borsa di Studio bandita dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (Bando 224/11/4 del 22/11/90; Raggruppamento Biologia Marina n. 24.11.01);
  • Novembre 1990: Vincitore di un posto di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Ambientali (Ambiente Marino e Risorse; VI Ciclo), Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia Marina dell’Università di Messina, Italia;
  • Settembre 1990: Vincitore di un Assegno Annuale di Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata (Prog. 2/683/P), Assessorato alla Sanità della Regione Siciliana.

Referee riviste scientifiche internazionali

Referee per Riviste Scientifiche Internazionali

  • Aquaculture
  • Aquaculture International
  • Aquaculture Engineering
  • Chemistry and Ecology
  • Ecological Modelling
  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability
  • Journal of Marine Biology Association, UK
  • Marine Biology
  • Marine Ecology Progress Series
  • Marine Environmental Research


  • 2004 > oggi: Insegnamento di Applicazioni di Statistica alla Biologia Marina, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Palermo;
  • 2004 > oggi: Insegnamento di Biologia Marina, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Palermo;
  • 2004 > oggi: Insegnamenti di Ecologia, Facoltà di Scienze, Università di Palermo.


2672025Cheng, M. C., Geček, S., Marn, N., Giacoletti, A., Sarà, G., King, N., & Ragg, N. L. (2025). From lab to ocean: Leveraging targeted experiments for advancements in mussel aquaculture through mechanistic modelling. Aquaculture, 741434.DOWNLOAD
2662024Berlino, M., Mangano, M. C., Di Bona, G., Lucchese, M., Terzo, S. M. C., De Vittor, C.,D'Alessandro, M., Esposito, V., Gambi, M.C., Del Negro, P. & Sarà, G. (2024). Functional diversity and metabolic response in benthic communities along an ocean acidification gradient. Marine Environmental Research, 106520.DOWNLOAD
2652024Marchessaux, G., Ghanem, R., Chaffai, A., Bahri, W. R., Marsiglia, N., Gjoni, V., Soiussi, J. B. & Sarà, G. (2024). The use of thermal performance analysis to improve conservation management: The case of the invasive Red Sea swimming blue crab Portunus segnis. Global Ecology and Conservation, 54, e03071.DOWNLOAD
2642024Gjoni, V., Marchessaux, G., Glazier, D. S., Wesner, J. S., Bosch-Belmar, M., Mancuso, F. P., Tantillo, M. F., Marsiglia, N. & Sarà, G. (2024). Metabolic scaling of an invasive mussel depends on temperature and chemical cues from an invasive predator. Biology Letters, 20(6), 20240066.DOWNLOAD
2632024Giacoletti, A., Bosch-Belmar, Mar, Di Bona, G., Mangano, M.C., Stechele, B. and Sarà, G. (2024). DEBEcoMod: A Dynamic Energy Budget R tool to predict life-history traits of marine organisms across time and space. Ecological Informatics.DOWNLOAD
2622024Giacoletti, A., Bosch-Belmar, M., Mangano, M.C., Tantillo, M.F., Sarà, G. & Milisenda, G. (2024). Predicting the effect of fouling organisms and climate change on integrated shellfish aquaculture. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 201:116167.DOWNLOAD
2612024Zhang, Y. Y., Wang, J., Yu, S. E., Sun, X., Su, Y., Sarà, G., & Dong, Y. W. (2024). A mechanistic model approach to characterize suitable regions for Salmo salar aquaculture in the Yellow Sea under global warming. Ocean & Coastal Management, 249, 106986.DOWNLOAD
2602024Bosch-Belmar, M., Tantillo, M. F., & Sarà, G. (2024). Impacts of increasing temperature due to global warming on key habitat-forming species in the Mediterranean Sea: unveiling negative biotic interactions. Global Ecology and Conservation, e02844.DOWNLOAD
2592024Soru, S., Berlino, M., Sarà, G., Mangano, M. C., De Vittor, C., & Pusceddu, A. (2024). Effects of acidification on the biogeochemistry of unvegetated and seagrass marine sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199, 115983.DOWNLOAD
2582024La Manna, G., Arrostuto, N., Morella, M. M., Stipcich, P., Fois, N., Sara, G., & Ceccherelli, G. (2024). Towards a sustainable fisher-dolphin coexistence: Understanding depredation, assessing economic damage and evaluating management options. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119797.DOWNLOAD
2572024Bosch-Belmar, M., Milanese, M., Sarà, A., Mobilia, V., & Sarà, G. (2024). Effect of Acute Thermal Stress Exposure on Ecophysiological Traits of the Mediterranean Sponge Chondrilla nucula: Implications for Climate Change. Biology, 13(1), 9.DOWNLOAD
2562024Mancuso, F. P., Sarà, G., & Mannino, A. M. (2024). Conserving Marine Forests: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Marine Protected Area for Cystoseira Sensu Lato Populations in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Plants 2024, 13(2), 162;.DOWNLOAD
2472023Mangano M.C., Corbari L., Giacoletti A., Berlino M., Kay S., Ciraolo G. & Sarà G. 2023. Planning precision aquaculture activities in a changing and crowded sea. Aquaculture, 577, 739881.DOWNLOAD
2462023Ennas C., Pasquini V., Abyaba H., Addis P., Sarà G. & Pusceddu A. 2023. Sea cucumbers bioturbation potential outcomes on marine benthic trophic status under different temperature regimes. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11558.DOWNLOAD
2452023Marrone A., Mangano M.C., Deidun A., Berlino M. & Sarà G. 2023. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation of a Mediterranean Marine Reef on the Associated Fish Community: Insights from Biological Traits Analysis. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(10), 1957.DOWNLOAD
2442023Marchessaux G., Chevalier C., Mangano M.C. & Sarà G. 2023. Larval connectivity of the invasive blue crabs Callinectes sapidus and Portunus segnis in the Mediterranean Sea: A step toward improved cross border management. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 194, 115272.DOWNLOAD
2432023Marchessaux G., Gjoni V. & Sarà G. 2023. Environmental drivers of size-based population structure, sexual maturity and fecundity: A study of the invasive blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896) in the Mediterranean Sea. Plos one, 18(8), e0289611.DOWNLOAD
2422023Berlino M., Sarà G. & Mangano M.C. 2023. Functional Trait-Based Evidence of Microplastic Effects on Aquatic Species. Biology, 12(6), 811.DOWNLOAD
2412023Mancuso F.P., Bernardeau-Esteller J., Spinelli M., Sarà G., Ruiz J.M., Calvo S. & Tomasello, A. 2023. Life on the edge: Adaptations of Posidonia oceanica to hypersaline conditions in a Mediterranean lagoon system. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 210, 105320.DOWNLOAD
2402023Pansini A., Beca-Carretero P., Berlino M., Sarà G., Stengel D.B., Stipcich P. & Ceccherelli G. 2023. Field development of Posidonia oceanica seedlings changes under predicted acidification conditions. Marine Environmental Research, 186, 105946.DOWNLOAD
2392023Thirukanthan C.S., Azra M.N., Lananan F., Sara’ G., Grinfelde I., Rudovica V., Vincevica-Gaile Z. & Burlakovs J. 2023. The Evolution of Coral Reef under Changing Climate: A Scientometric Review. Animals, 13(5), 949.DOWNLOAD
2382023Marchessaux G., Mangano M.C., Bizzarri S., M’Rabet C., Principato E., Lago N., Veyssiere D., Garrido M., Scyphers, S.B. & Sarà, G. 2023. Invasive blue crabs and small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea: Local ecological knowledge, impacts and future management. Marine Policy, 148, 105461.DOWNLOAD
2372023Pećarević M., Bonačić K., Dobroslavić T., Grubišić L., Čelić I., Glamuzina B., Males J. Sarà G. and Mangano M. C. 2023. Impact of COVID-19 on Croatian mariculture: Findings from the first national surveys. Marine Policy, 148, 105395.DOWNLOAD
2362023Mancuso F.P., Giommi C., Mangano M. C., Airoldi L., Helmuth B., & Sarà G. 2023. Evenness, biodiversity, and ecosystem function of intertidal communities along the Italian coasts: Experimental short-term response to ambient and extreme air temperatures. Science of The Total Environment, 858, 160037.DOWNLOAD
2352023Marchessaux G., Bizzarri S., Marsiglia N., Ponzè N. & Sarà G. 2023. The use of an unmanned aerial vehicle to investigate habitat use and behavior of invasive blue crab in Mediterranean microhabitats. Mediterranean Marine Science, 24(2), 229-240.DOWNLOAD
2342023Mancuso F. P., Lo Brutto S., Chemello R., Sarà G., & Mannino A.M. 2023. Effects of structural complexity on epifaunal assemblages associated with two intertidal Mediterranean seaweeds. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 1-9.DOWNLOAD
2332023Mancuso F.P., Milazzo M., Sarà G. & Chemello R. 2023. Bi-and three-dimensional fractal analysis of the brown seaweed Gongolaria montagnei and their relationship with gastropod molluscs assemblage. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 186, 114396.DOWNLOAD
2322023Mancuso F.P., Giommi C., Mangano M.C., Airoldi L., Helmuth B., Sarà G. 2023. Evenness, biodiversity, and ecosystem function of intertidal communities along the Italian coasts: Experimental short-term response to ambient and extreme air temperatures. Science of the Total Environment, 858 : 160037.DOWNLOAD
2312022Marchessaux G., Bosch-Belmar M., Cilenti L., Lago N., Mangano M. C., Marsiglia N., & Sarà G. (2022). The invasive blue crab Callinectes sapidus thermal response: Predicting metabolic suitability maps under future warming Mediterranean scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 1055404.DOWNLOAD
2252022Pansini A., Bosch-Belmar M., Berlino M., Sarà G., Ceccherelli G. 2022. Collating evidence on the restoration efforts of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: current knowledge and gaps. Science of the Total Environment, 851: 158320.DOWNLOAD
2242022Dong Y.-W., García Molinos J., Larson E.R., Lin Q., Liu X., Sarà G., Cai Q.-H., Zhang Z., Helmuth B., Bates A. 2022. Biological traits, geographic distributions, and species conservation in aquatic ecosystems. Diversity and Distributions, 28 (8): 1516-1523.DOWNLOAD
2232022MacKenzie B.R., Addis P., Battaglia P., Consoli P., Andaloro F., Sarà G., Nielsen A., Romeo T. Neglected fishery data sources as indicators of pre-industrial ecological properties of Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius, Xiphiidae). 2022. Fish and Fisheries, 23 (4): 829-846. DOWNLOAD
2222022Bosch-Belmar M., Giacoletti A., Giommi C., Girons A., Milisenda G., Sarà G. 2022. Short-term exposure to concurrent biotic and abiotic stressors may impair farmed molluscs performance. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179: 113724.DOWNLOAD
2212022Mirto S., Montalto V., Mangano M.C.M., Ape F., Berlino M., La Marca C., Lucchese M., Maricchiolo G., Martinez M., Rinaldi A., Terzo S.M.C., Celic I., Galli P., Sarà G. 2022. The stakeholder's perception of socio-economic impacts generated by COVID-19 pandemic within the Italian aquaculture systems. Aquaculture, 553: 738127.DOWNLOAD
2202022Russo S., Torri M., Patti B., Musco M., Masullo T., Di Natale M.V., Sarà G., Cuttitta A. 2022. Environmental Conditions along Tuna Larval Dispersion: Insights on the Spawning Habitat and Impact on Their Development Stages. Water(Switzerland), 14(10): 1568DOWNLOAD
2192022Deidun A., Marrone A., Gauci A., Galdies J., Lorenti M., Mangano M.C., Cutajar K., Mirto S., Sarà G. 2022. Structure and biodiversity of a Maltese maerl bed: New insight into the associated assemblage 24 years after the first investigation. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 52: 102262.DOWNLOAD
2182022Bosch-Belmar M., Piraino S., Sarà G. Predictive Metabolic Suitability Maps for the Thermophilic Invasive Hydroid Pennaria disticha Under Future Warming Mediterranean Sea Scenarios. 2022. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 810555.DOWNLOAD
2172022Ascioti F.A., Mangano M.C., Marcianò C., Sarà G. 2022.The sanitation service of seagrasses – Dependencies and implications for the estimation of avoided costs. Ecosystem Services, 54: 101418.DOWNLOAD
2162022Lorusso C., Calisi A., Sarà G., Dondero F. 2022. In-Gel Assay to Evaluate Antioxidant Enzyme Response to Silver Nitrate and Silver Nanoparticles in Marine Bivalve Tissues. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(6): 2760.DOWNLOAD
2152022Sánchez-Jerez P., Babarro J.M.F., Padin X.A., Longa Portabales A., Martinez-Llorens S., Ballester-Berman J.D., Sara G., Magano M.C. 2022. Cumulative climatic stressors strangles marine aquaculture: Ancillary effects of COVID 19 on Spanish mariculture. Aquaculture, 549: 737749.DOWNLOAD
2142022Franzitta G., Marrone A., Gauci A., Galdies J., Mangano M.C., Sara G., Deidun A. 2022. Bridging the knowledge gap on the distribution and typology of vermetid bioconstructions along the Maltese coastline: an updated assessment. Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(4): 817-826.DOWNLOAD
2132022Yu S.-E., Dong S.-L., Zhang Z.-X., Zhang Y.-Y., Sarà G., Wang J., Dong Y.-W. 2022. Mapping the potential for offshore aquaculture of salmonids in the Yellow Sea. Marine Life Science and Technology, 4: 329-342.DOWNLOAD
2122022Mangano M.C., Berlino M., Corbari L., Milisenda G., Lucchese M., Terzo S., Bosch-Belmar M., Azaza M.S., Babarro J.M.F., Bakiu R., Broitman B.R., Buschmann A.H., Christofoletti R., Dong Y., Glamuzina B., Luthman O., Makridis P., Nogueira A.J.A., Palomo M.G., Dineshram R., Sanchez-Jerez P., Sevgili H., Troell M., AbouelFadl K.Y., Azra M.N., Britz P., Carrington E., Celić I., Choi F., Qin C., Dionísio M.A., Dobroslavić T., Galli P., Giannetto D., Grabowski J.H., Helmuth B., Lebata-Ramos M.J.H., Lim P.T., Liu Y., Llorens S.M., Mirto S., Pećarević M., Pita C., Ragg N., Ravagnan E., Saidi D., Schultz K., Shaltout M., Tan S.H., Thiyagarajan V., Sarà G. 2022. The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale. Environmental Science and Policy, 127: 98-110.DOWNLOAD
2112022Sarà G., Mangano M.C., Berlino M., Corbari L., Lucchese M., Milisenda G., Terzo S., Azaza M.S., Babarro J.M.F., Bakiu R., Broitman B.R., Buschmann A.H., Christofoletti R., Deidun A., Dong Y., Galdies J., Glamuzina B., Luthman O., Makridis P., Nogueira A.J.A., Palomo M.G., Dineshram R., Rilov G., Sanchez-Jerez P., Sevgili H., Troell M., AbouelFadl K.Y., Azra M.N., Britz P., Brugere C., Carrington E., Celić I., Choi F., Qin C., Dobroslavić T., Galli P., Giannetto D., Grabowski J., Lebata-Ramos M.J.H., Lim P.T., Liu Y., Llorens S.M., Maricchiolo G., Mirto S., Pećarević M., Ragg N., Ravagnan E., Saidi D., Schultz K., Shaltout M., Solidoro C., Tan S.H., Thiyagarajan V., Helmuth B. 2022. The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 30(1): 123-135.DOWNLOAD
2032021MacKenzie B.R., Romeo T., Addis P., Battaglia P., Consoli P., Andaloro F., Sarà G. 2021. New historical data for long-term swordfish ecological studies in the Mediterranean Sea. Earth System Science Data, 13(12): 5867-5877.DOWNLOAD
2022021Bosch-Belmar M., Giommi C., Milisenda G., Abbruzzo A., Sarà G. 2021. Integrating functional traits into correlative species distribution models to investigate the vulnerability of marine human activities to climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 799: 149351.DOWNLOAD
2012021Marchessaux G., Lüskow F., Sarà G., Pakhomov E.A. 2021. Predicting the current and future global distribution of the invasive freshwater hydrozoan Craspedacusta sowerbii. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 23099.DOWNLOAD
2002021Gregorietti M., Atzori F., Carosso L., Frau F., Pellegrino G., Sarà G., Arcangeli A. 2021. Cetacean presence and distribution in the central Mediterranean Sea and potential risks deriving from plastic pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173: 112943.DOWNLOAD
1992021Queirós A.M., Talbot E., Beaumont N.J., Somerfield P.J., Kay S., Pascoe C., Dedman S., Fernandes J.A., Jueterbock A., Miller P.I., Sailley S.F., Sará G., Carr L.M., Austen M.C., Widdicombe S., Rilov G., Levin L.A., Hull S.C., Walmsley S.F., Nic Aonghusa C. 2021. Bright spots as climate-smart marine spatial planning tools for conservation and blue growth. Global Change Biology, 27(21): 5514-5531.DOWNLOAD
1982021Sarà G., Milisenda G., Mangano M.C., Bosch-Belmar M. 2021. The buffer effect of canopy-forming algae on vermetid reefs' functioning: A multiple stressor case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 171: 112713.DOWNLOAD
1972021Berlino M., Mangano M.C., De Vittor C., Sarà G. 2021. Effects of microplastics on the functional traits of aquatic benthic organisms: A global-scale meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 285: 117174.DOWNLOAD
1962021Piria M., Stroil B.K., Giannetto D., Tarkan A.S., Gavrilović A., Špelić I., Radočaj T., Killi N., Filiz H., Uysal T.U., Aldemir C., Kamberi E., Hala E., Bakiu R., Kolitari J., Buda E., Bakiu S.D., Sadiku E., Bakrač A., Mujić E., Avdić S., Doumpas N., Giovos I., Dinoshi I., Ušanović L., Kalajdzić A., Pešić A., Cetković I., Marković O., Milošević D., Mrdak D., Sará G., Belmar M.B., Marchessaux G., Trajanovski S., Zdraveski K. 2021. An assessment of regulation, education practices and socio-economic perceptions of non-native aquatic species in the Balkans. Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 70(4): 21047.DOWNLOAD
1952021Russo S., Torri M., Patti B., Reglero P., Álvarez-Berastegui D., Cuttitta A., Sarà G. 2021. Unveiling the Relationship Between Sea Surface Hydrographic Patterns and Tuna Larval Distribution in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 708775.DOWNLOAD
1942021Parisi M.G., Giacoletti A., Mandaglio C., Cammarata M., Sarà G. 2021. The entangled multi-level responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) to environmental stressors as detected by an integrated approach. Marine Environmental Research, 168: 105292.DOWNLOAD
1932021Salerno M., Berlino M., Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2021. Microplastics and the functional traits of fishes: A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 27(12): 2645-2655.DOWNLOAD
1922021Sarà G., Giommi C., Giacoletti A., Conti E., Mulder C., Mangano M.C. 2021. Multiple climate-driven cascading ecosystem effects after the loss of a foundation species. Science of the Total Environment, 770: 144749.DOWNLOAD
1912021Tan A.L.S., Cheng M.C.F., Giacoletti A., Chung J.X., Liew J., Sarà G., Williams G.A. 2021. Integrating mechanistic models and climate change projections to predict invasion of the mussel, Mytilopsis sallei, along the southern China coast. Science of the Total Environment, 762: 143097.DOWNLOAD
1902021Azra M.N., Kasan N.A., Othman R., Noor G.A.G.R., Mazelan S., Jamari Z.B., Sarà G., Ikhwanuddin M. 2021. Impact of COVID-19 on aquaculture sector in Malaysia: Findings from the first national survey. Aquaculture Reports, 19: 100568. DOWNLOAD
1892021Giacoletti A., Lucido G.D., Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2021. Functional trait-based layers - an aquaculture siting tool for the Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture, 532: 736081.DOWNLOAD
1882021Bevilacqua S., Airoldi L., Ballesteros E., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Boero F., Bulleri F., Cebrian E., Cerrano C., Claudet J., Colloca F., Coppari M., Di Franco A., Fraschetti S., Garrabou J., Guarnieri G., Guerranti C., Guidetti P., Halpern B.S., Katsanevakis S., Mangano M.C., Micheli F., Milazzo M., Pusceddu A., Renzi M., Rilov G., Sarà G., Terlizzi A. 2021. Mediterranean rocky reefs in the Anthropocene: Present status and future concerns. Advances in Marine Biology, 89: 1-51.DOWNLOAD
1812020Corbari L., Maltese A., Capodici F., Mangano M.C., Sarà G., Ciraolo G. 2020. Indoor spectroradiometric characterization of plastic litters commonly polluting the Mediterranean Sea: toward the application of multispectral imagery. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 19850.DOWNLOAD
1802020Falcini F., Corrado R., Torri M., Mangano M.C., Zarrad R., Di Cintio A., Palatella L., Jarboui O., Missaoui H., Cuttitta A., Patti B., Santoleri R., Sarà G., Lacorata G. 2020. Seascape connectivity of European anchovy in the Central Mediterranean Sea revealed by weighted Lagrangian backtracking and bio-energetic modelling. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 18630.DOWNLOAD
1792020La Manna G., Ronchetti F., Sarà G., Ruiu A., Ceccherelli G. 2020. Common Bottlenose Dolphin Protection and Sustainable Boating: Species Distribution Modeling for Effective Coastal Planning. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 542648.DOWNLOAD
1782020Mangano M.C., Mieszkowska N., Helmuth B., Domingos T., Sousa T., Baiamonte G., Bazan G., Cuttitta A., Fiorentino F., Giacoletti A., Johnson M., Lucido G.D., Marcelli M., Martellucci R., Mirto S., Patti B., Pranovi F., Williams G.A., Sarà G. 2020. Moving Toward a Strategy for Addressing Climate Displacement of Marine Resources: A Proof-of-Concept. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 408.DOWNLOAD
1772020Russo E., Monti M.A., Mangano M.C., Raffaetà A., Sarà G., Silvestri C., Pranovi F. 2020. Temporal and spatial patterns of trawl fishing activities in the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea, GSA17). Ocean and Coastal Management, 192: 105231.DOWNLOAD
1762020Bevilacqua S., Katsanevakis S., Micheli F., Sala E., Rilov G., Sarà G., Malak D.A., Abdulla A., Gerovasileiou V., Gissi E., Mazaris A.D., Pipitone C., Sini M., Stelzenmüller V., Terlizzi A., Todorova V., Fraschetti S. 2020. The Status of Coastal Benthic Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea: Evidence From Ecological Indicators. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 475.DOWNLOAD
1752020Qin C., Chen P., Sarà G., Mo B., Zhang A., Li X. 2020. Ecological implications of purple sea urchin (Heliocidaris crassispina, Agassiz, 1864) enhancement on the coastal benthic food web: evidence from stable isotope analysis. Marine Environmental Research, 158: 104957.DOWNLOAD
1742020Fabbrizzi E., Scardi M., Ballesteros E., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Cebrian E., Ceccherelli G., De Leo F., Deidun A., Guarnieri G., Falace A., Fraissinet S., Giommi C., Mačić V., Mangialajo L., Mannino A.M., Piazzi L., Ramdani M., Rilov G., Rindi L., Rizzo L., Sarà G., Souissi J.B., Taskin E., Fraschetti S. 2020. Modeling macroalgal forest distribution at mediterranean scale: Present status, drivers of changes and insights for conservation and management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 20.DOWNLOAD
1732020La Manna G., Rako-Gospić N., Sarà G., Gatti F., Bonizzoni S., Ceccherelli G. 2020. Whistle variation in Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin: The role of geographical, anthropogenic, social, and behavioral factors. Ecology and Evolution, 10(4): 1971-1987.DOWNLOAD
1722020Montalto V., Rinaldi A., Ape F., Mangano M.C., Gristina M., Sarà G., Mirto S. 2020. Functional role of biofouling linked to aquaculture facilities in Mediterranean enclosed locations. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 12: 11-22.DOWNLOAD
1712019Parisi M.G., Giacoletti A., La Corte C., Sarà G., Cammarata M. 2019, Multi-level responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis to environmental stressors.DOWNLOAD
1622019Alessi C., Giomi F., Furnari F., Sarà G., Chemello R., Milazzo M. 2019. Ocean acidification and elevated temperature negatively affect recruitment, oxygen consumption and calcification of the reef-building Dendropoma cristatum early life stages: Evidence from a manipulative field study. Science of the Total Environment, 693: 133476.DOWNLOAD
1612019Manna G.L., Sarà G. 2019. A False Sense of Protection: Recreational Uses and Illegal Behavior in a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area and Implications for Management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 15(6): 961-973.DOWNLOAD
1602019Mancuso F.P., Messina C.M., Santulli A., Laudicella V.A., Giommi C., Sarà G., Airoldi L. 2019. Influence of ambient temperature on the photosynthetic activity and phenolic content of the intertidal Cystoseira compressa along the Italian coastline. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(5): 3069-3076.DOWNLOAD
1592019Bellino A., Mangano M.C., Baldantoni D., Russell B.D., Mannino A.M., Mazzola A., Vizzini S., Sarà G. 2019. Seasonal patterns of biodiversity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons. Diversity and Distributions, 25(10): 1512-1526.DOWNLOAD
1582019Ape F., Manini E., Quero G.M., Luna G.M., Sarà G., Vecchio P., Brignoli P., Ansferri S., Mirto S. 2019. Biostimulation of in situ microbial degradation processes in organically-enriched sediments mitigates the impact of aquaculture. Chemosphere, 226: 715-725.DOWNLOAD
1572019Burnett N.P., Sarà G. 2019. Functional responses of intertidal bivalves to repeated sub-lethal, physical disturbances. Marine Environmental Research, 147: 32-36.DOWNLOAD
1562019Monaco C.J., Porporato E.M.D., Lathlean J.A., Tagliarolo M., Sarà G., McQuaid C.D. 2019. Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: dynamic energy budget model skill drops across large spatial scales. Marine Biology, 166(2): 14.DOWNLOAD
1552019Mieszkowska N., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Burrows M.T., Mangano M.C., Queirós A., Seuront L., Sarà G. 2019. Multinational, integrated approaches to forecasting and managing the impacts of climate change on intertidal species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 613 :247-252.DOWNLOAD
1542019Mangano M.C., Giacoletti A., Sarà G. 2019. Dynamic Energy Budget provides mechanistic derived quantities to implement the ecosystem based management approach. Journal of Sea Research, 143: 272-279.DOWNLOAD
1512018Cheng M.C.F., Sarà G., Williams G.A. 2018. Combined effects of thermal conditions and food availability on thermal tolerance of the marine bivalve, Perna viridis. Journal of Thermal Biology, 78: 270-276.DOWNLOAD
1502018Giacoletti A., Cappello S., Mancini G., Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2018. Predicting the effectiveness of oil recovery strategies in the marine polluted environment. Journal of Environmental Management, 223: 749-757.DOWNLOAD
1492018Cheng M.C.F., Tan A.L.S., Rinaldi A., Giacoletti A., Sarà G., Williams G.A. 2018. Predicting effective aquaculture in subtropical waters: A dynamic energy budget model for the green lipped mussel, Perna viridis. Aquaculture, 495: 749-756.DOWNLOAD
1482018Ape F., Gristina M., Chemello R., Sarà G., Mirto S. 2018. Meiofauna associated with vermetid reefs: the role of macroalgae in increasing habitat size and complexity. Coral Reefs, 37(3): 875-889.DOWNLOAD
1472018Sarà G., Gouhier T.C., Brigolin D., Porporato E.M.D., Mangano M.C., Mirto S., Mazzola A., Pastres R. Predicting shifting sustainability trade-offs in marine finfish aquaculture under climate change. 2018. Global Change Biology, 24(8): 3654-3665.DOWNLOAD
1462018Capodici F., Ciraolo G., Cosoli S., Maltese A., Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2018. Downscaling hydrodynamics features to depict causes of major productivity of Sicilian-Maltese area and implications for resource management. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629: 815-825.DOWNLOAD
1452018Sebens K.P., Sarà G., Carrington E. 2018. Estimation of fitness from energetics and life-history data: An example using mussels. Ecology and Evolution, 8(11): 5279-5290.DOWNLOAD
1442018Connell S.D., Doubleday Z.A., Foster N.R., Hamlyn S.B., Harley C.D.G., Helmuth B., Kelaher B.P., Nagelkerken I., Rodgers K.L., Sarà G., Russell B.D. 2018. The duality of ocean acidification as a resource and a stressor. Ecology, 99(5): 1005-1010.DOWNLOAD
1432018Sarà G., Porporato E.M.D., Mangano M.C., Mieszkowska N. 2018. Multiple stressors facilitate the spread of a non-indigenous bivalve in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Biogeography, 45(5): 1090-1103.DOWNLOAD
1422018Martinez M., Mangano M.C., Maricchiolo G., Genovese L., Mazzola A., Sarà G. 2018. Measuring the effects of temperature rise on Mediterranean shellfish aquaculture. Ecological Indicators, 88: 71-78.DOWNLOAD
1412018Mancuso F.P., Strain E.M.A., Piccioni E., De Clerck O., Sarà G., Airoldi L. 2018. Status of vulnerable Cystoseira populations along the Italian infralittoral fringe, and relationships with environmental and anthropogenic variables. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129(2): 762-771. DOWNLOAD
1402018Arcangeli A., Campana I., Angeletti D., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Carosso L., Di Miccoli V., Giacoletti A., Gregorietti M., Luperini C., Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G., Ramazio M., Sarà G., Crosti R. 2018. Amount, composition, and spatial distribution of floating macro litter along fixed trans-border transects in the Mediterranean basin. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129(2): 545-554.DOWNLOAD
1392018Sarà G., Mangano M.C., Johnson M., Mazzola A. 2018. Integrating multiple stressors in aquaculture to build the blue growth in a changing sea. Hydrobiologia, 808(1): 5-17.DOWNLOAD
1382018Ape F., Sarà G., Airoldi L., Mancuso F.P., Mirto S. 2018. Influence of environmental factors and biogenic habitats on intertidal meiofauna. Hydrobiologia, 807(1): 349-366.DOWNLOAD
1372018Consoli P., Mangano M.C., Sarà G., Romeo T., Andaloro F. 2018. The influence of habitat complexity on fish assemblages associated with extractive platforms in the central mediterranean sea. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 9(2): 59-67.DOWNLOAD
1292017Parisi M.G., Mauro M., Sarà G., Cammarata M. 2017. Temperature increases, hypoxia, and changes in food availability affect immunological biomarkers in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, 187(8): 1117-1126.DOWNLOAD
1282017Montalto V., Bagarella R., Rinaldi A., Sarà G., Mirto S. 2017. Thermal adaptation and physiological responses to environmental stress in tunicates. Aquatic Biology, 26: 179-184.DOWNLOAD
1272017Mangano M.C., Bottari T., Caridi F., Porporato E.M.D., Rinelli P., Spanò N., Johnson M., Sarà G. 2017. The effectiveness of fish feeding behaviour in mirroring trawling-induced patterns. Marine Environmental Research, 131: 195-204.DOWNLOAD
1262017Sebens K., Sarà G., Nishizaki M. 2017. Energetics, particle capture, and growth dynamics of benthic suspension feeders. Marine Animal Forests: The Ecology of Benthic Biodiversity Hotspots, 813-854.DOWNLOAD
1252017Harley C.D.G., Connell S.D., Doubleday Z.A., Kelaher B., Russell B.D., Sarà G., Helmuth B. 2017. Conceptualizing ecosystem tipping points within a physiological framework. Ecology and Evolution, 7(15): 6035-6045.DOWNLOAD
1242017Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2017. The author's reply to N.R. Haddaway. Journal of Environmental Management, 197: 114-116.DOWNLOAD
1232017Giacoletti A., Maricchiolo G., Mirto S., Genovese L., Umani M., Sarà G. 2017. Functional and energetic consequences of climate change on a predatory whelk. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 189: 66-73.DOWNLOAD
1222017Vazzana M., Celi M., Arizza V., Calandra G., Buscaino G., Ferrantelli V., Bracciali C., Sarà G. 2017. Noise elicits hematological stress parameters in Mediterranean damselfish (Chromis chromis, perciformes): A mesocosm study. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 62: 147-152. DOWNLOAD
1212017Mangano M.C., Sarà G. 2017. Collating science-based evidence to inform public opinion on the environmental effects of marine drilling platforms in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Environmental Management, 188: 195-202.DOWNLOAD
1202017Connell S.D., Doubleday Z.A., Hamlyn S.B., Foster N.R., Harley C.D.G., Helmuth B., Kelaher B.P., Nagelkerken I., Sarà G., Russell B.D. 2017. How ocean acidification can benefit calcifiers. Current Biology, 27(3): R95-R96.DOWNLOAD
1192017Montalto V., Martinez M., Rinaldi A., Sarà G., Mirto S. 2017. The effect of the quality of diet on the functional response of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819): Implications for integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) and marine spatial planning. Aquaculture, 468: 371-377.DOWNLOAD
1182017La Manna G., Rako Gospić N., Manghi M., Picciulin M., Sarà G. 2017. Assessing geographical variation on whistle acoustic structure of three Mediterranean populations of common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Behaviour, 154(5): 583-607.DOWNLOAD
1172017Catania V., Sarà G., Settanni L., Quatrini P. 2017. Bacterial communities in sediment of a Mediterranean marine protected area. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 63(4): 303-311.DOWNLOAD
1162017Corsolini S., Sarà G. 2017. The trophic transfer of persistent pollutants (HCB, DDTs, PCBs) within polar marine food webs. Chemosphere, 177: 189-199.DOWNLOAD
1152017Mangano M.C., Sarà G., Corsolini S. 2017. Monitoring of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions: knowledge gaps & gluts through evidence mapping. Chemosphere, 172: 37-45.DOWNLOAD
1112016Montalto V., Helmuth B., Ruti P.M., Dell’Aquila A., Rinaldi A., Sarà G. 2016. A mechanistic approach reveals non linear effects of climate warming on mussels throughout the Mediterranean sea. Climatic Change, 139(2): 293-306.DOWNLOAD
1102016Tagliarolo M., Montalto V., Sarà G., Lathlean J.A., McQuaid C.D. 2016. Low temperature trumps high food availability to determine the distribution of intertidal mussels Perna Perna in South Africa. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 558: 51-63.DOWNLOAD
1092016La Manna G., Ronchetti F., Sarà G. 2016. Predicting common bottlenose dolphin habitat preference to dynamically adapt management measures from a Marine Spatial Planning perspective. Ocean and Coastal Management, 130: 317-327.DOWNLOAD
1082016La Manna G., Manghi M., Perretti F., Sarà G. 2016. Behavioral response of brown meagre (Sciaena umbra) to boat noise. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 110(1): 324-334.DOWNLOAD
1072016Pozo K., Palmeri M., Palmeri V., Estellano V.H., Mulder M.D., Efstathiou C.I., Sará G., Romeo T., Lammel G., Focardi S. 2016. Assessing persistent organic pollutants (POPS) in the sicily island atmosphere, mediterranean, using PUF disk passive air samplers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(20): 20796-20804.DOWNLOAD
1062016Bosch-Belmar M., Giomi F., Rinaldi A., Mandich A., Fuentes V., Mirto S., Sarà G., Piraino S. 2016. Concurrent environmental stressors and jellyfish stings impair caged European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) physiological performances. Scientific Reports, 6: 27929.DOWNLOAD
1052016Giacoletti A., Rinaldi A., Mercurio M., Mirto S., Sarà G. 2016. Local consumers are the first line to control biological invasions: a case of study with the whelk Stramonita haemastoma (Gastropoda: Muricidae). Hydrobiologia, 772(1): 117-129.DOWNLOAD
1042016Giomi F., Mandaglio C., Ganmanee M., Han G.-D., Dong Y.-W., Williams G.A., Sara G. 2016. The importance of thermal history: Costs and benefits of heat exposure in a tropical, rocky shore oyster. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(5): 686-694.DOWNLOAD
1032016Bracciali C., Guzzo G., Giacoma C., Dean J.M., Sarà G. 2016. Fish functional traits are affected by hydrodynamics at small spatial scale. Marine Environmental Research, 113: 116-123.DOWNLOAD
1022016Saggese I., Sarà G., Dondero F. 2016. Silver Nanoparticles Affect Functional Bioenergetic Traits in the Invasive Red Sea Mussel Brachidontes pharaonis. BioMed Research International, 2016: 1872351.DOWNLOAD
1012015Sinopoli M., Cattano C., Andaloro F., Sarà G., Butler C.M., Gristina M. 2015. Influence of fish aggregating devices (FADs) on anti-predator behaviour within experimental mesocosms. Marine Environmental Research, 112: 152-159.DOWNLOAD
1002015Mangano M.C., O'Leary B.C., Mirto S., Mazzola A., Sarà G. 2015. The comparative biological effects of spatial management measures in protecting marine biodiversity: A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 4(1): 21-28.DOWNLOAD
992015Matzelle A.J., Sarà G., Montalto V., Zippay M., Trussell G.C., Helmuth B. 2015. A bioenergetics framework for integrating the effects of multiple stressors: Opening a 'black box' in climate change research. American Malacological Bulletin, 33(1): 150-160.DOWNLOAD
982015Montalto V., Rinaldi A., Sarà G. 2015. Life history traits to predict biogeographic species distributions in bivalves. Science of Nature, 102(9): 61-72.DOWNLOAD
972015Parisi M.G., Vizzini A., Toubiana M., Sarà G., Cammarata M. 2015. Identification, cloning and environmental factors modulation of a αβ defensin from the lessepsian invasive mussel Brachidontes pharaonis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae). Invertebrate Survival Journal, 12: 264-273. DOWNLOAD
962015La Manna G., Donno Y., Sarà G., Ceccherelli G. 2015. The detrimental consequences for seagrass of ineffective marine park management related to boat anchoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 90(1-2): 160-166.DOWNLOAD
952015Carrington E., Waite J.H., Sarà G., Sebens K.P. 2015. Mussels as a model system for integrative ecomechanics. Annual Review of Marine Science, 7: 443-469.DOWNLOAD
902014Sarà G., Rinaldi A., Montalto V. 2014. Thinking beyond organism energy use: A trait-based bioenergetic mechanistic approach for predictions of life history traits in marine organisms. Marine Ecology, 35(4): 506-515.DOWNLOAD
892014Montalto V., Palmeri V., Rinaldi A., Kooijman S.A.L.M., Sarà G. 2014. Dynamic energy budget parameterisation of Brachidontes pharaonis, a Lessepsian bivalve in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 94: 47-51.DOWNLOAD
882014Rinaldi A., Montalto V., Lika K., Sanfilippo M., Manganaro A., Sarà G. 2014. Estimation of dynamic energy budget parameters for the Mediterranean toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus). Journal of Sea Research, 94: 65-70.DOWNLOAD
872014Matzelle A., Montalto V., Sarà G., Zippay M., Helmuth B. 2014. Dynamic Energy Budget model parameter estimation for the bivalve Mytilus californianus: Application of the covariation method. Journal of Sea Research, 94: 105-110.DOWNLOAD
862014Rinaldi A., Montalto V., Manganaro A., Mazzola A., Mirto S., Sanfilippo M., Sarà G. 2014. Predictive mechanistic bioenergetics to model habitat suitability ofshellfish culture in coastal lakes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 144 :89-98.DOWNLOAD
852014Montalto V., Sarà G., Ruti P.M., Dell'Aquila A., Helmuth B. 2014. Testing the effects of temporal data resolution on predictions of the effects of climate change on bivalves. Ecological Modelling, 278: 1-8.DOWNLOAD
842014Sarà G., Milanese M., Prusina I., Sarà A., Angel D.L., Glamuzina B., Nitzan T., Freeman S., Rinaldi A., Palmeri V., Montalto V., Lo Martire M., Gianguzza P., Arizza V., Lo Brutto S., De Pirro M., Helmuth B., Murray J., De Cantis S., Williams G.A. 2014. The impact of climate change on mediterranean intertidal communities: Losses in coastal ecosystem integrity and services. Regional Environmental Change, 14(SUPPL.1): 5-17.DOWNLOAD
832014Gianguzza P., Visconti G., Gianguzza F., Vizzini S., Sarà G., Dupont S. 2014. Temperature modulates the response of the thermophilous sea urchin Arbacia lixula early life stages to CO2-driven acidification. Marine Environmental Research, 93: 70-77.DOWNLOAD
822014La Manna G., Manghi M., Sarà G. 2014. Monitoring the habitat use of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) using passive acoustics in a Mediterranean marine protected area. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(2): 327-337.DOWNLOAD
812014Bracciali C., Piovano S., Sarà G., Giacoma C. 2014. Seasonal changes in size, sex-ratio and body condition of the damselfish Chromis chromis in the central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94(5): 1053-1061.DOWNLOAD
802014Prusina I., Sarà G., De Pirro M., Dong Y.-W., Han G.-D., Glamuzina B., Williams G.A. 2014. Variations in physiological responses to thermal stress in congeneric limpets in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 456: 34-40.DOWNLOAD
772013La Manna G., Manghi M., Pavan G., Lo Mascolo F., Sarà G. 2013. Behavioural strategy of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in response to different kinds of boats in the waters of Lampedusa Island (Italy). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23(5): 745:757.DOWNLOAD
762013Sarà G., Palmeri V., Rinaldi A., Montalto V., Helmuth B. 2013. Predicting biological invasions in marine habitats through eco-physiological mechanistic models: A case study with the bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis. Diversity and Distributions, 19(10): 1235-1247.DOWNLOAD
752013Consoli P., Sarà G., Mazza G., Battaglia P., Romeo T., Incontro V., Andaloro F. 2013. The effects of protection measures on fish assemblage in the Plemmirio marine reserve (Central Mediterranean Sea, Italy): A first assessment 5years after its establishment. Journal of Sea Research, 79: 20-26.DOWNLOAD
742013Sarà G., Palmeri V., Montalto V., Rinaldi A., Widdows J. 2013. Parameterisation of bivalve functional traits for mechanistic eco-physiological dynamic energy budget (DEB) models. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 480: 99-117.DOWNLOAD
732013Burnett N.P., Seabra R., De Pirro M., Wethey D.S., Woodin S.A., Helmuth B., Zippay M.L., Sarà G., Monaco C., Lima F.P. 2013. An improved noninvasive method for measuring heartbeat of intertidal animals. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 11: 91-100.DOWNLOAD
722013Consoli P., Romeo T., Ferraro M., Sarà G., Andaloro F. 2013. Factors affecting fish assemblages associated with gas platforms in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 77: 45-52.DOWNLOAD
712013Manachini B., Arizza V., Rinaldi A., Montalto V., Sarà G. 2013. Eco-physiological response of two marine bivalves to acute exposition to commercial Bt-based pesticide. Marine Environmental Research, 83: 29-37.DOWNLOAD
702013Pranovi F., Sarà G., Franzoi P. 2013. Valuing the unmarketable: An ecological approach to the externalities estimate in fishing activities. Sustainability (Switzerland), 5(2):643-653.DOWNLOAD
692012Bracciali C., Campobello D., Giacoma C., Sarà G. 2012. Effects of nautical traffic and noise on foraging patterns of mediterranean Damselfish (Chromis chromis). PLoS ONE, 7(7):e40582.DOWNLOAD
682012Sarà G., Reid G.K., Rinaldi A., Palmeri V., Troell M., Kooijman S.A.L.M. 2012. Growth and reproductive simulation of candidate shellfish species at fish cages in the Southern Mediterranean: Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) modelling for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. Aquaculture, 324-325:259-266.DOWNLOAD
672011Romano C., Sarà G., Salvo G., Bishop J., Mazzola A., Widdows J. 2011. Effect of the presence of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, on burrowing behaviour and clearance rate of the common cockle, Cerastoderma edule. Marine Biology, 158(12):2685-2694.DOWNLOAD
662011Sarà G., Lo Martire M., Sanfilippo M., Pulicanò G., Cortese G., Mazzola A., Manganaro A., Pusceddu A. 2011. Impacts of marine aquaculture at large spatial scales: Evidences from N and P catchment loading and phytoplankton biomass. Marine Environmental Research, 71(5):317-324.DOWNLOAD
652011Sarà G., de Pirro M. 2011. Heart beat rate adaptations to varying salinity of two intertidal Mediterranean bivalves: The invasive Brachidontes pharaonis and the native Mytilaster minimus. Italian Journal of Zoology, 78(2):193-197.DOWNLOAD
642011Sarà G., Kearney M., Helmuth B. 2011. Combining heat-transfer and energy budget models to predict thermal stress in Mediterranean intertidal mussels. Chemistry and Ecology, 27(2):135-145.DOWNLOAD
632011Milanesea M., Saràa A., Saràb G., Murrayc J.H. 2011. Climate change, marine policy and the valuation of Mediterranean intertidal ecosystems. Chemistry and Ecology, 27(2):95-105.DOWNLOAD
622011Sarà G., Sarà A., Milanese M. 2011. The Mediterranean intertidal habitat as a natural laboratory to study climate change drivers of geographic patterns in marine biodiversity. Chemistry and Ecology, 27(2):91-93.DOWNLOAD
612011Troell M., Chopin T., Reid G., Robinson S., Sará G. 2011. Letter to the Editor. Aquaculture, 313(1-4):171-172.DOWNLOAD
602011Ezgeta-Balić D., Rinaldi A., Peharda M., Prusina I., Montalto V., Niceta N., Sarà G. 2011. An energy budget for the subtidal bivalve Modiolus barbatus (Mollusca) at different temperatures. Marine Environmental Research, 71(1):79-85.DOWNLOAD
592011Andaloro F., Castriota L., Ferraro M., Romeo T., Sarà G., Consoli P. 2011. Evaluating fish assemblages associated with gas platforms: Evidence from a visual census technique and experimental fishing surveys. Ciencias Marinas, 37(1):1-9.DOWNLOAD
582010Mazzola A., Bergamasco A., Calvo S., Caruso G., Chemello R., Colombo F., Giaccone G., Gianguzza P., Guglielmo L., Leonardi M., Riggio S., Sarà G., Signa G., Tomasello A., Vizzini S. 2010. Sicilian transitional waters: Current status and future development. Chemistry and Ecology, 26(SUPPL.1):267-283.DOWNLOAD
572010Calvo S., Tomasello A., Di Maida G., Pirrotta M., Buia M.C., Cinelli F., Cormaci M., Furnari G., Giaccone G., Luzzu F., Mazzola A., Orestano C., Procaccini G., Sarà G., Scannavino A., Vizzini S. 2010. Seagrasses along the Sicilian coasts. Chemistry and Ecology, 26(suppl.1):249-266.DOWNLOAD
562010La Manna G., Clò S., Papale E., Sarà G. 2010. Boat traffic in Lampedusa waters (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea) and its relation to the coastal distribution of common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Ciencias Marinas, 36(1):71-81.DOWNLOAD
552009Sarà G., Oliveri A., Martino G., Campobello D. 2009. Changes in behavioural response of mediterranean seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax l.) under different feeding distributions. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 9(1): 121-125.DOWNLOAD
542009Manganaro A., Pulicanò G., Reale A., Sanfilippo M., Sarà G. 2009. Filtration pressure by bivalves affects the trophic conditions in Mediterranean shallow ecosystems. Chemistry and Ecology, 25(6): 467-478.DOWNLOAD
532009Sarà G. 2009. Variation of suspended and sedimentary organic matter with depth in shallow coastal waters. Wetlands, 29(4): 1234-1242.DOWNLOAD
522009Casu D., Ceccherelli G., Sechi N., Rumolo P., Sarà G. 2009. Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea as a potential source of organic matter for benthic consumers: Evidences from a stable isotope analysis. Aquatic Ecology, 43(4):1023-1029.DOWNLOAD
512009Sarà G., De Pirro M., Sprovieri M., Rumolo P., Halldórsson H.P., Svavarsson J. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic inventory of the most abundant demersal fish captured by benthic gears in southwestern Iceland (North Atlantic). Helgoland Marine Research, 63(4):309-315.DOWNLOAD
502009Buscaino G., Buffa G., Sarà G., Bellante A., Tonello Jr. A.J., Hardt F.A.S., Cremer M.J., Bonanno A., Cuttitta A., Mazzola S. 2009. Pinger affects fish catch efficiency and damage to bottom gill nets related to bottlenose dolphins. Fisheries Science, 75(3):537:544.DOWNLOAD
492009Sarà G., Zenone A., Tomasello A. 2009. Growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca, bivalvia) close to fish farms: A case of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture within the Tyrrhenian sea. Hydrobiologia, 636(1):129-136.DOWNLOAD
482008Sarà G., Pusceddu A. 2008. Scope for growth of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk., 1819) in oligotrophic coastal waters (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Marine Biology, 156(2):117-126.DOWNLOAD
472008Mannino A.M., Sara G. 2008. Effects of fish-farm biodeposition on periphyton assemblages on artificial substrates in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Gulf of Castellammare, Sicily). Aquatic Ecology, 42(4):575-581.DOWNLOAD
462008Sarà G., Romano C., Widdows J., Staff F.J. 2008. Effect of salinity and temperature on feeding physiology and scope for growth of an invasive species (Brachidontes pharaonis - MOLLUSCA: BIVALVIA) within the Mediterranean sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 363(1-2):130-136.DOWNLOAD
452008Sarà G., Romano C., De Pirro M., Halldòrson P.H., Sprovieri M., Rumolo P., Mazzola A. 2008. Role of peat organic matter on isotopic composition of most abundant benthic organisms in intertidal habitats of SW Iceland. Marine Biology, 154(1):191-198.DOWNLOAD
442008Halldórsson H.P., De Pirro M., Romano C., Svavarsson J., Sarà G. 2008. Immediate biomarker responses to benzo[a]pyrene in polluted and unpolluted populations of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) at high-latitudes. Environment International, 34(4): 483:489.DOWNLOAD
432007Sarà G., De Pirro M., Romano C., Rumolo P., Sprovieri M., Mazzola A. 2007. Sources of organic matter for intertidal consumers on Ascophyllum-shores (SW Iceland): A multi-stable isotope approach. Helgoland Marine Research, 61(4): 297-302.DOWNLOAD
422007Sarà G. 2007. Sedimentary and particulate organic matter: Mixed sources for cockle Cerastoderma glaucum in a shallow pond, Western Mediterranean. Aquatic Living Resources, 20(3): 271-277.DOWNLOAD
412007Corsolini S., Sarà G., Borghesi N., Focardi S. 2007. HCB, p,p′-DDE and PCB ontogenetic transfer and magnification in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the Mediterranean sea. Environmental Science and Technology, 41(12): 4227-4233.DOWNLOAD
402007Sarà G. 2007. Aquaculture effects on some physical and chemical properties of the water column: A meta-analysis. Chemistry and Ecology, 23(3):251-262.DOWNLOAD
392007Sarà G. 2007. A meta-analysis on the ecological effects of aquaculture on the water column: Dissolved nutrients. Marine Environmental Research, 63(4):390:408.DOWNLOAD
382007Sarà G., Sarà R. 2007. Feeding habits and trophic levels of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus of different size classes in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(2):122-127.DOWNLOAD
372007Sarà G., Dean J.M., D'Amato D., Buscaino G., Oliveri A., Genovese S., Ferro S., Buffa G., Lo Martire M., Mazzola S. 2007. Effect of boat noise on the behaviour of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 331:243-253.DOWNLOAD
362007Lo Martire M., Sarà G. 2007. Animal fouling as an indicator of water quality in Mediterranean fish farmed areas. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(SUP1): 803.DOWNLOAD
352007Sarà M., Sarà G. 2007. Trophic habits of Muscardinus avellanarius (mammalia gliridae) as revealed by multiple stable isotope analysis. Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 19(3):215-223.DOWNLOAD
342007Consoli P., Azzurro E., Sarà G., Ferraro M., Andaloro F. 2007. Fish diversity associated with gas platforms: Evaluation of two underwater visual census techniques. Ciencias Marinas, 33(2):121-132.DOWNLOAD
332007Sarà G. 2007. Ecological effects of aquaculture on living and non-living suspended fractions of the water column: A meta-analysis. Water Research, 41(15):3187-3200.DOWNLOAD
322007Sarà G., Oliveri A., Martino G., Serra S., Meloni G., Pais A. 2007. Response of captive seabass and seabream as behavioural indicator in aquaculture. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(SUPPL.1):823-825.DOWNLOAD
312007Zenone A., Sarà G. 2007. Polyculture as a tool to increase the economic income: A study case in the Gulf of Castellammare. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(SUPPL.1): 837-838.DOWNLOAD
302007Sarà G., Lo Martire M., Buffa G., Mannino A.M., Badalamenti F. 2007. The fouling community as an indicator of fish farming impact in Mediterranean. Aquaculture Research, 38(1):66-75.DOWNLOAD
292006Sarà G. 2006. Hydrodynamic effects on the origin and quality of organic matter for bivalves: An integrated isotopic, biochemical and transplant study. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328:65-73.DOWNLOAD
282006Mannino A.M., Sarà G. 2006. The effect of Ruppia cirrhosa features on macroalgae and suspended matter in a Mediterranean shallow system. Marine Ecology, 27(4):350-360.DOWNLOAD
272006Sarà G., Scilipoti D., Milazzo M., Modica A. 2006. Use of stable isotopes to investigate dispersal of waste from fish farms as a function of hydrodynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 313:261-270.DOWNLOAD
262006Modica A., Scilipoti D., La Torre R., Manganaro A., Sarà G. 2006. The effect of mariculture facilities on biochemical features of suspended organic matter (southern Tyrrhenian, Mediterranean). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 66(1-2): 177-184.DOWNLOAD
252004Sarà G., Mazzola A. 2004. The carrying capacity for Mediterranean bivalve suspension feeders: Evidence from analysis of food availability and hydrodynamics and their integration into a local model. Ecological Modelling, 179(3): 281-296.DOWNLOAD
242004Mirto S., La Rosa T., Mocciaro G., Costa K., Sarà G., Mazzola A. 2004. Meiofauna and benthic microbial biomass in a semi-enclosed mediterranean marine system (Stagnone of Marsala, Italy). Chemistry and Ecology, 20(SUPPL.1): S387-S396.DOWNLOAD
232004La Loggia G., Calvo S., Ciraolo G., Mazzola A., Pirrotta M., Sarà G., Tomasello A., Vizzini S. 2004. Influence of hydrodynamic conditions on the production and fate of Posidonia oceanica in a semi-enclosed shallow basin (Stagnone di Marsala, western Sicily). Chemistry and Ecology, 20(3): 183-201.DOWNLOAD
222004Vaccaro A.M., Buffa G., Mirto S., Sarà G., Mazzola A. 2004. Comparison of growth performance and biometric relationships in two reciprocal sturgeon hybrids reared in net cages (Sicily, Mediterranean). Aquaculture Research, 35(6): 552-558.DOWNLOAD
212004Sarà G., Scilipoti D., Mazzola A., Modica A. 2004. Effects of fish farming waste to sedimentary and particulate organic matter in a southern Mediterranean area (Gulf of Castellammare, Sicily): A multiple stable isotope study (δ13C and δ15N). Aquaculture, 234(1-4): 199-213.DOWNLOAD
202003Sarà G., Vizzini S., Mazzola A. 2003. Sources of carbon and dietary habits of new Lessepsian entry Brachidontes pharaonis (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the western Mediterranean. Marine Biology, 143(4): 713-722.DOWNLOAD
192003Vizzini S., Sarà G., Mateo M.A., Mazzola A. 2003. δ13C and δ15N variability in Posidonia oceanica associated with seasonality and plant fraction. Aquatic Botany, 76(3): 195-202.DOWNLOAD
182003Pusceddu A., Dell'Anno A., Danovaro R., Manini E., Sarà G., Fabiano M. 2003. Enzymatically hydrolyzable protein and carbohydrate sedimentary pools as indicators of the trophic state of detritus sink systems: A case study in a mediterranean coastal lagoon. Estuaries, 26(3): 641-650.DOWNLOAD
172002Sarà G., Vizzini S., Mazzola A. 2002. The effect of temporal changes and environmental trophic condition on the isotopic composition (δ 13C and δ 15N) of Atherina boyeri (risso, 1810) and Gobius niger (L., 1758) in a Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia): Implications for food web structure. Marine Ecology, 23(SUPPL.1): 352-360.DOWNLOAD
162002Vizzini S., Sarà G., Michener R.H., Mazzola A. 2002. The trophic role of the macrophyte Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch. in a Mediterranean saltworks: Evidence from carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71(3): 1369-1378.DOWNLOAD
152002Vizzini S., Sarà G., Michener R.H., Mazzola A. 2002. The role and contribution of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile organic matter for secondary consumers as revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis. Acta Oecologica, 23(4): 277-285.DOWNLOAD
142002La Rosa T., Mirto S., Favaloro E., Savona B., Sarà G., Danovaro R., Mazzola A. 2002. Impact on the water column biogeochemistry of a Mediterranean mussel and fish farm. Water Research, 36(3): 713-721.DOWNLOAD
132001Mazzola A., Sarà G. 2001. The effect of fish farming organic waste on food availability for bivalve molluscs (Gaeta Gulf, Central Tyrrhenian, Med): Stable carbon isotopic analysis. Aquaculture, 192(2-4): 361-379.DOWNLOAD
122001Mazzola A., Fabiano M., Pusceddu A., Sarà G. 2001. Particulate organic matter composition in a semi-enclosed marine system. Chemistry and Ecology, 17(4): 315-334.DOWNLOAD
112000Sarà G., Romano C., Caruso M., Mazzola A. 2000. The new Lessepsian entry Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P., 1870) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the western Mediterranean: A physiological analysis under varying natural conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research, 19(2): 967-977. DOWNLOAD
102000Mazzola A., Favaloro E., Sarà G. 2000. Cultivation of the Mediterranean amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810), in submerged cages in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture, 181(3-4): 257-268.DOWNLOAD
91999Mazzola A., Favaloro E., Sarà G. 1999. Experiences of integrated mariculture in a southern Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Sea). Aquaculture Research, 30(10): 773-780.DOWNLOAD
81999Mazzola A., Sarà G., Venezia F., Caruso M., Catalano D., Hauser S. 1999. Origin and distribution of suspended organic matter as inferred from carbon isotope composition in a Mediterranean semi-enclosed marine system. Chemistry and Ecology, 16(2): 215-238.DOWNLOAD
71999Sará G., Leonardi M., Mazzola A. 1999. Spatial and temporal changes of suspended matter in relation to wind and vegetation cover in a Mediterranean shallow coastal environment. Chemistry and Ecology, 16(2): 151-173.DOWNLOAD
61999Pusceddu A., Sarà G., Armeni M., Fabiano M., Mazzola A. 1999. Seasonal and spatial changes in the sediment organic matter of a semi-enclosed marine system (W-Mediterranean Sea). Hydrobiologia, 397: 59-70.DOWNLOAD
51999Mazzola A., Lopiano L., La Rosa T., Sarà G. 1999. Diel feeding habits of juveniles of Mullus surmuletus (Linneo, 1758) in the lagoon of the Stagnone di Marsala (Western Sicily, Italy). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 15(3): 143-148.DOWNLOAD
41998Sarà G., Manganaro A., Cortese G., Pusceddu A., Mazzola A. 1998. The relationship between food availability and growth in Mytilus galloprovincialis in the open sea (southern Mediterranean). Aquaculture, 167(1-2): 1-15.DOWNLOAD
31997Sarà G., Mazzola A. 1997. Effects of trophic and environmental conditions on the growth of Crassostrea gigas in culture. Aquaculture, 153(1-2): 81-91.DOWNLOAD
21997Pusceddu A., Sarà G., Mazzola A., Fabiano M. 1997. Relationships between suspended and sediment organic matter in a semi- enclosed marine system: The Stagnone di Marsala sound (Western Sicily). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 99(1-4): 343-352.DOWNLOAD
11996Vitturi R., Libertini A., Mazzola A., Colomba M.S., Sara G. 1996. Characterization of mitotic chromosomes of four species of the genus Diplodus: Karyotypes and chromosomal nucleolar organizer region phenotypes. Journal of Fish Biology, 49(6): 1128-1137..